Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC)

Solar Power Plant

Solar power plant is a system used to generate electricity using solar panel and controller.Solar power plant are mainly Two types :-

1.On grid Solar Power Plant

On grid solar power plant is mainly used in those area where electricity grid is available and generated power is either consumer or export to grid .On grid solar power plant is benificial in urban area or where the plant is setup to sell electricity. Most of the on grid power plant are ranging from 1 kw to 100-200-500 mw scale.Return on investment is higher in On Grid power plant.

Captive & Group Captive

Third Party Sales

Third party solar power sales is a business model emerge after 2010 in india to sell generated solar power sales to industry and electricity board/Discom at decided rate and can setup such a solar power plant in a cheap land and remote location , later sell the generated electricity to companies/Discom as per aggrement terms.

Avirat Energy pvt Ltd is intend to impact the environment and society by creating Green Energy revolution and achieve freedom from dependency of fossil fuel based energy by Renewable energy products.