A Solar Rooftop system is basically soalr power generating system mounted on the roof of home terrace or tin shed and it’s either OFF – GRid or ON grid.Anyone can install solar rooftop system to generate power from the roof of home with ease and anysize of the system .Solar Rooftop pv modules are basically three types :
1. Poly Crystalline
2. Mono Crystalline
3. Mono Half cut /bifacial
One should always consider R.O.I(Return on Investment) before investing in solar rooftop system as well as future electricity consumption . Also check Roof size before final the solar rooftop capacity.

Residential Solar Rooftop Documents List
- Latest Electricity Bill copy with Consumer Sign
- Latest Copy of House Tax Bill or Property Card or Index-2 or Rent/Lease agreement or NOC of Society in case of Flat/Multistoried apartments or BU permission
- Cancel Cheque / Bank Passbook Copy
- Geo Location of Site /Customer Mo No
- Consumer Passport size photocopy – 2 nos

Commercial Solar Power Plant Document List
- Latest Electricity Bill copy with Consumer Sign
- Latest Copy of House Tax Bill or Property Card or Index-2 or Rent/Lease agreement or NOC of Society in case of Flat/Multistoried apartments or BU permission
- Cancel Cheque / Bank Passbook Copy
- Geo Location of Site /Customer Mo No
- Consumer Passport size photocopy – 2 nos